cute valentine pig sandwich

in keeping a theme for today, here is last year's pig valentine! this little cutey was born last year on valentine's day, with an adorable little heart shaped spot.if cinders and kingsford are really stuck on their homes and owners, i'd be ok with owning this little piglet, aptly named valentine. but, i may have to re-name him valen-tiny*. so long as aforementioned potion to keep him little (or revert him to being a little tiny piglet) is available.
*credit: my honey

cute pet sandwich

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! i need this tiny little pig to be in my life!

i would even make lots of video montages of its little pig life, just like its current owner. i would feed it some magical potion to keep it the same size.* i would let it keep it's cute name, kingsford. also, i would buy it little rain boots for when it rains. note, this little british pig, pictured above, also has a cute name: cinders (as in cinderella).
*credit: my honey

cute ice cream sandwich

yummo! i'd like these in my ears or my belly.available here.

cute mustache sandwich

bartender, i'll have an ale in your finest mustache glass, please!available here.

cute polar bear sandwich

it's cold enough in ohio that i should be able to have this guy as a pet:

although i don't speak german, things i learned from this video, polar bear babies are really sweet, they make a cute little noise as babies, they're a little clumsy and it seems they like milkshakes like me.

cute valentine craft sandwich

if you are racking your brain to come up with a real treat for that special someone on valentine's day, and you are something like this lady:then, i suggest crafting this treat up for your sweetie.also, you should head over to to find a supportive community. oh, internet, you never cease to amaze me with your answer for everything!

cute dressy dress sandwich

even though there is no need in my life for a fancy party dress, i really am interested in adding this to my closet.
it's from here. what do you think?